Saturday 6 February 2010

eating out & cocktails

So I went out last night with my friend, and we had a great catch up over dinner and drinks but due to the mood of the night I just decided that if I was paying for a pricey dinner I might as well order something that I really wanted... so I went for the battered haddock and chunky chips!! It was delicious but of course I was on a drunken guilt-free night out and seeing as everyone else was having a dessert.. I decided I would have one too!! so there you go I had a non-diet night, consisting of fish and chips followed by apple and custard tart... and a gin and tonic, and three daiquories. :(

So yet again I have started the week well and finished it badly.. so to redeem myself I am going to work out at the gym tomorrow!!

I really am struggling to 'be good' whilst out in restuarants and at parties.. any tips?? Nothing on the menu seema healthy and those that do sound ok and up covered in sauces full of calories!!

Anybody got any tips??

thanks... xx


  1. I have 2 tips:
    1) Try to eat healthy snack before you go and drink a lot of water. You won't be as hungry when you get there and it might help you to keep a little better control.

    2) Let yourself live a little, even when trying to lose weight. Don't treat these outings as failures (as long as they aren't every night). It helps because you won't beat yourself up emotionally afterward (but feel free to do it at the gym like you plan).

    -FogDog Weight Loss

  2. I have a couple...if you want to eat something really decadent that you wouldn't normally eat, just eat half and take half home or share with someone. You can order entreess with sauce on the side so you can control how much you put on. Share a dessert with someone, two bites is enough to get the full taste.

    You ahve to decide if you really want to stick to your diet when you eat out, if you don't that's ok, just plan the rest of your week so you have room in your plan for the splurge.

    It does get easier with more practice,'ll get there.

  3. Everyday is a new day. We agree with the eating half thing, though. Enjoy it, but enjoy less of it. Also, look online at the calories before you go, plan what you'll eat. We look forward to watching your progress!! Keep it up!
