Thursday 14 January 2010

feeling ill

Yesterday was a bad day and today has been no better, I came home from a short grocery outting and felt horrible- diahorrea, stomach pains, sneezing, running nose.
I ended up spending the whole day in bed!
In an attempt to make me feel better my boyfriend came round and oh course was ladden with ice cream and crisps and sausage rolls! And in my weakened state I have in the past 24 hours eaten, 2 packets of niknak crisps, a packet of chocolate milky stars, soup with bread and buttet, toast with egg and butter, ice cream, and a glass of wine :( not at all good.
And due to my still feeling ill, I am not feeling very motivated to do exercise!! I think i will try to do something today- although I should be going for a 30min moderate-high intensity cardio workout!!

Oh well- must not let this set me back too much!!

1 comment:

  1. When you're not feeling well, good judgement goes out the window. Focus on feeling better and start fresh with your next meal.

    Hugs, get well soon.
