Wednesday 27 January 2010

long time.. no blog!

Well I owe everyone an apology, my blogging has taken a back seat this past week and I am here to admit that my exercing and diet has also fallen behind.

It started with a stressful job application that I am still trying to process, and as a result I was focusing on other things and very quickly I found myself making excuses- it is a slippery slope, firstly it was too dark to go out for a run, or too cold, or I was too tired... Or my favourite excuse 'I will do a big work out tomorrow'

Well tomorrow is not good enough, I have put on 2 pounds this past ten days purely due to a lack of self control and worst of all resorting back to comfort and bordum eating!

well I shall let you know how I get on today :) later!!


  1. I can understand you... i am also a blogger but after my job.. it has all paused for a while.
    But i wont leave blogging.. i will resume again.

  2. Hi , I just started a blog about my journey and starting a new life style. Well i know its hard sometimes..but have you thought about joining a program? I Just Join Weight watcher last week and i have lost 3 pounds in my first week. and its not hard at all..I can eat what i want i just have to watch what i eat and not go over my POINTS. check it out.. you might like it.

  3. thanks everyone! feeling motivated that I can keep slowly changing my life one bite and one step at a time!
